How to Mill the Exact Amount of Flour Needed
Hi Friend,
Are you tired of guesstimating the quantity of wheat berries you need to mill for your recipe?
Are you eye-balling how much to fill the hopper, then end up wondering what to do with the extra flour (I’m totally guilty of that…)?
Why Mill on Demand?
We all know that fresh is best when it comes to milling your own flour. Once the wheat berry has been milled, it immediately begins to oxidize and lose its nutritional value. Since most of us mill for nutrition (plus the amazing flavor), we want to use the flour as soon as possible with very little flour leftover.
So how do you mill the exact amount of flour needed for your recipe?
Tips to Mill The Exact Amount of Flour Needed:
There are two ways to determine the exact amount of wheat berries you need for your recipe: weight and measuring cups.
1. Weighing Your Wheat Berries:
If your recipe gives the flour needed as a weight, determining the quantity of wheat berries you need is easy. The weight of flour you need is identical to the weight of wheat berries needed. When you mill the flour, the weight does not change, the volume does.
4 oz. of soft-white wheat berries weighed out on the scale.
Rule of Thumb: 1 Oz. of Wheat Berries needed for 1 Oz. of Flour
For example, for 4 oz of flour, you need to mill 4 oz of wheat berries.
4 oz of wheat berries equals 4 oz of flour. 4 oz of wheat berries is also equal to 1 cup of flour.
2. Measuring Your Wheat Berries:
Most recipes state the flour needed as a cup measure. Since this is a measure of volume, we cannot do one for one wheat berries to flour measure.
Instead, for one cup of flour you need to mill 2/3 cup of wheat berries.
2/3 cup of wheat berries waiting to be milled.
Rule of Thumb: 2/3 Cup of Wheat Berries needed for 1 Cup of Flour
2/3 cup of wheat berries mills out to be 1 cup of flour.
Just in case you’re wondering, 4 oz. of wheat berries mills one cup of flour.
We hope this little trick helps! If you are in search of wholesome, soft white wheat berries, be sure to check out our online store.
The Sieverkropps