New to Milling Challenge: Are you in?

Hi Friend,

Are you afraid to start milling?

  • Maybe you’re overwhelmed with information, and not sure where to start.

  • Maybe a mill seems too large of an investment, and you’re not sure if you will stick with milling.

  • Maybe you have a mill, but you’ve been afraid you’re going to mess up.

If that’s you, don’t worry. You’re not alone.

Let me tell you a story.

I started my milling journey exactly where you are. I bought a cookbook written especially for milling, and it still took me months to get up the nerve to learn to mill. I knew milling would be healthier for my family. I knew I needed to learn to mill to be able to sell our wheat berries. But I was still scared.

Sometimes, you need someone to take you by the hand and show you what to do, then give you a gentle nudge and say, “Start baking”.

That’s when Kevin recommended that I talk to his grandma. Unknown to me, my grandmother-in-law used to mill, and she was delighted when I asked for her help.

One frigid January day, she took me to her church for a crash course on milling with their 40-year-old mill. We flipped the switch, dumped wheat berries into the hopper, and watched the flour flow into the tray.

I asked her, “What’s next?”

She got a big smile on her face, and said, “That’s it.”

I couldn’t believe milling was as easy as 1-2-3.

New to Milling Challenge: Are you in?

In our New to Milling Challenge, I will help you get started, just like my grandmother-in-law did for me years ago. Then I’ll give you a gentle nudge and say, “Start baking”.

Our three steps are:

  1. Gather your tools.

  2. Find two recipes.

  3. Start your mill.

Does it sound easy? That’s because the milling process is easy! The hard part is getting over the fear of trying something new.

But there is safety in numbers (and accountability too). If you’re ready to join the New to Milling Challenge, leave a comment below, so others know they’re not alone. Don’t worry if you’re late to the challenge, it’s never too late to start milling.

Happy Milling!

The Sieverkropps

P.S. Ready to take the first step toward milling? Click the button below.