Dark Chocolate Brownie Recipe Using Freshly-Milled Flour

Hi Friend,

Do you have fun food traditions in your family?

When Kevin and I started dating (way back when) I made him a batch of brownies to celebrate our sixth month anniversary. Now, 36 sixth month anniversaries later, I’ve tried A LOT of brownie recipes.

Right now, this brownie recipe is my favorite. The dark chocolate satisfies a chocolate craving and they stay gooey in the center. The best part… they’re made with 100% freshly-milled flour and won my son a blue ribbon at fair.


Adapted for freshy-milled flour from Katharine Hepburn’s Brownie Recipe.


  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder

  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter

  • 1 cup sugar

  • 2 eggs

  • 1/4 cup + 1 tbsp freshly-milled flour (I use our soft white wheat berries)

  • 1 tsp vanilla

  • Pinch of salt

  • 1 cup chopped walnuts (pecans would be good too!)*


  1. Melt butter with cocoa in saucepan over medium-low heat.

  2. Remove from heat and whisk in sugar (it will be thick!).

  3. Whisk in eggs and vanilla (make sure it's not so hot that it will cook your eggs).

  4. Stir in flour, salt, and walnuts.

  5. Pour into a greased 8x8 baking pan.

  6. Bake at 325 for about 40 minutes.

Recipe Notes:

  • For brownies, use a soft white wheat berries for your flour. The soft wheat has less protein which lends itself to better texture. The white has a mellow flavor that let’s the chocolate really shine through.

  • I don’t care for nuts, so instead of stirring the walnuts in, I press the nuts into the top of half of the brownie batter after Step 5.

  • I check my brownies with a toothpick. You want some crumbs on the toothpick (for gooey brownies), but you don’t want the toothpick to come out wet.

  • To store brownies, cool thoroughly, then cut into bit size pieces. Line an airtight container with a paper towel and store brownies in a single layer for up to 3 days at room temperature. If you will not eat within 3 days, freeze the extras in a Ziploc freezer bag or wrap tightly in plastic wrap and tin foil. Do not put brownies in the fridge or it will change their texture.

Now for the hard part... try to wait until they are fully cooled before cutting... I know it's hard, but it's so gooey that it's a pain to cut when it's warm (or you can eat it with a fork... with ice cream… I won't tell anyone).

Happy Milling!

The Sieverkropps